Update 2024.004 is now available

This version note contains info about the 2024.002 and 2024.003 version that were not published.


Customer creation - Phone number: When inserting a phone number at the customer's creation, the software will verify if that phone number already exists to avoid duplicates in your customers' list.

Identify vehicles via its VIN: A new version of our VIN identification utility is now available. This one allows you to input the VIN manually or scan it using a barcode scanner.

Distribution Stox 2.0: The new Distribution Stox website is now compatible with AB Magique!

To use this functionality, your Stox representative must activate said functionality in your customer's account.

You can then contact our technical support to obtain info on how to use the new Stox website within our software.

Nexpart 4.58: Version 4.58 of Nexpart is now available in our software!

This version uses a new integrated Chromium browser to maximize compatiblity with Nexpart's website.

it is now possible to use a Multi-Seller account.

Also, it is now possible to transfer parts from different branches, access to the "Virtual Inventory" and to transfer and order out-of-stock parts from your supplier (If they support these functionalities).

Email - OAuth2 Microsoft: The email module can now use the OAuth2 modern authentification method with Microsoft-based emails.

Supplier's history - New report: A new report has been added in the supplier's history window. it allows you to print the line codes expenses summary.

A button has been added to print this report. You can also convert it to PDF, Word or Excel depending on your needs.

Appointment grid - Break time and deletion: It is now possible to reset the break hours in your grid in the case you made a mistake. Also, it is now possible to delete an appointment that was associated to an estimate. Please note that we can't recover an appointment you could have deleted by mistake.

About - Terms & Conditions: A button has been added to view the terms and conditions of use in the "About AB Magique..." section of the software.

Oil change stickers: It is now possible to print oil change stickers with the software!

To do so, you need a Brother QL printer with 62mm wide film labels. For more details on paper type and printers, please refer to the oil change stickers section in the software.

Customer file - Authorization for sharing data: A new checkbox has been added to the customer file to indicate if said customer accepts that you share his data with third-parties.

By default, the checkbox is checked. But if the customer refuses that you share his data, you have the responsibility to uncheck it. In this case it will not be possible to use certain functionalities for this customer (e.g.: AutoServe1, MechanicNet, etc).

Customer file - Sending personal info: A button has been added to the customer file to allow you to send to their email address all personal info you have from them. This has been added to allow you to meet your commitments to certain federal and provincial laws requiring the portability of personal information.

Nexpart - Price verification: It is now possible to verify price for parts that are associated to a supplier using Nexpart by using the "Stock check" functionality of Nexpart's website.


History & statistics: The "History & Statistics" button now appears in all tabs from the "Inventory and price list" window.

Printer by default: If no printer were selected in the software, it was possible that your printed document could be sent on the wrong printer. The software has been widely modified to make sure it will use the default printer from your computer if no printer were selected before printing a document.

AB magique basket: When using the AB magique basket, the software will now stay on the last supplier you have used with this functionality to accelerate the part transfer process.

Estimates and invoices: The icons for customers and vehicle info have been modified to be less pixelated but also to have a cleaner, more professional look on your customers' invoices.

Estimates - Appointment creation: From now on, remarks and appointment reasons will appear on the estimate when you create an appoint from said estimate.

Purchase order - Purchase order's memo: The memo associated to the purchase order will now appear on the very last line when completing the purchase invoice using the "GO" button.

Logfile: The software now logs additional actions such as estimate and purchase orders' deletion and the usage of the "Modify these items" function in the "inventory and price list" window.

AB magique update download: We have modified this functionality so the update downloads way faster from now on.

Nexpart integration: A lot of modifications and fixes were done to the Nexpart integration.

Change concerning translation: The word "recalls" has been changed to "reminders" to avoid misunderstandings between a service reminder and a vehicle recall from car dealerships.

Estimate - Kilometer: The kilometer/mileage field will now appear as yellow when it is set at 0 to avoid completing an invoice with an invalid kilometer/mileage associated to it.