

For more information on our company

You want more information on our company? It will be our pleasure to meet you and provide you with more.


You have interest for our software?

In order to obtain additional information on our products and prices, contact our sales representatives at
450-963-8940 ext. 108 for a local call
1-800-268-4044 ext. 108 for a toll-free long distance call.
You can also contact our representatives by email by clicking here:

Suggestions and price lists

For all suggestions on our products

If you have ideas to improve our software, share them with us here!

You have a price list in a MS Excel format that we don't have? Send it to us!

Technical support

No matter what the question is!

You have an unlimited access to an experienced support team. There is absolutely no limit of calls or time spent with our technicians. Do not hesitate to call us at
1-800-268-4044 ext. 6
or at
450-963-8940 ext. 6.
We are open from 8:00AM to 05:30PM Monday to Friday, Eastern time.

You can also join us by email. Your mail will be transferred to one of our technicians who will answer you as soon as available.