Privacy policy


We, VL Communications, («VL», «We», «Us») exploiting the website («site», «website») will explain our policy regarding data collection and usage when you visit our website.

Personal data collection

Please note that we do not collect any personnal data with our website, only navigation info and geolocation data to obtain analytics on the number of visits on our website and the location of said visitors.

Method for obtaining data:

We collect navigation data through the usage of Google Analytics and their cookies.

Right of opposition and withdrawal

We are committed to providing you with the right to object and withdraw information collected using a cookie consent utility available at the bottom of our site. You can accept or revoke the use of these cookies at any time.

Right of access to information

We undertake to recognize a right of access and rectification to the persons concerned wishing to consult, modify or even delete information concerning them on our site.

Person to contact for such a request:


We do not collect any personal data through our site. There is no risk to the security of these data.


We are committed to complying with the following legislations: